Who doesn't love a copper accessories for the home and even better, when they only cost around £3.50 to make and use existing thi...

Who doesn't love a copper accessories for the home and even better, when they only cost around £3.50 to make and use existing thing you already own that you no longer love?! That was a mouthful but you get the idea .. Well this cheeky little DIY shows you exactly how you can update some of your gorgeous home accessories into the modern interior trend that is Copper for just £3.50 and involves the item you want to upcycle, copper crafting enamel and some masking tape. This can also be done in other colours but these may require additional coats of the crafting enamel or different application. Check the instructions on your crafting enamel before you use. 

The first thing you need to do is select the accessories that you want to upcycle - I personally chose a glass candle holder, a little candle lantern I picked up in Ikea and a planter pot from Ikea that I currently use to store some bathroom items. You want to make sure the items you choose are a compatible material - I believe most materials will be but just check on the instructions if you are unsure or test the paint on an unseen area to see if you get the desired effect. Taking the lantern as an example, I only wanted to spray the white sections copper and not the glass so we had to tackle this by using masking tape to cover the glass sections. This actually took a little longer than it probably looks like it would but it was worth it. Carefully cover over any sections you do not wish to be covered with the crafting enamel. Ensure the surface you are painting is also clean and lint free - if there is any lint or dirt on the items, this may show once painted and seal into the paint layer. 

Once the items are prepped for painting, make sure you have a surface area you are able to spray paint on and do not mind ruining. I have placed an old sheet outside on my patio to allow myself a surface that can be ruined and also an area with ventilation. I believe this is stated in the instructions but if it is no, I would advise this. Personally I suffer from Asthma and the paint fumes can cause a few problems. Now comes the fun bit! 

You need to make sure that you hold the spray painting can around half an arms width away from the items. This will ensure an even coverage on the item and give you an even finish. It also helps with not getting too much paint on your accessories which can cause paint drips. Let the items dry for around 15 minutes when they will be touch dry and then can be recoated from around 20 minutes if this is required. Depending on the base colour of the item you are upcycling, you may need a few coats. My white items needed two coats where as my glass candle holder only needed the one. 

Once the items are touch dry and have been coated as desired, they are now ready to be displayed around your abode. I love the way that the candle holder came out and how gorgeous does it look with my new candle?!Which smells amazing by the way, sweet and smokey. With regards to doing a candle holder, PLEASE be careful as the paint is flammable. I have not had any problems so far but candles should not be left unattended anyways but please take precations. I was not a huge fan of how the lantern turnout only because I didn't factor that the inside would need to be painted which due to the construction of the lantern, is not possible. It's a working progress and not all items will work out as planned but others that you didn't even plan, do work! It's just a fun thing to do and it doesn't hurt if you were thinking of getting rid of the items in the first place. 

I used a 150ml can to do two coats on each product here which totalled three products and I still have around 1/4 of a can left. If you are thinking of upcyciling larger items, you may require more paint. You can purchase the Rust-Oleum paints over at Homebase for around £4.99 but I got mine from Wilkos at £3.00

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  1. love this, they came out so nice!

    danielle | avec danielle // giveaway

  2. Thankyou! - It's surprising what a spare afternoon and some spray paint can do! <3

    Chloe Mary Davis |
