Nomad Treehouse was a creation brought to life by a wild haired, barefoot girl who dreamt of running away to the woods. The jewelle...

Nomad Treehouse was a creation brought to life by a wild haired, barefoot girl who dreamt of running away to the woods. The jewellery created by Coral is aimed at dream chasers, wanderers and for friends who dream of a life without rules, full of nostalgia and childhood wonder. Each piece you can buy from Nomad Treehouse is handmade and many pieces are custom/one off. Coral created me this custom piece which is a lunar leaf necklace* and is made from an antique copper metal with silver leaf detailing and also sent me a Moon Pin hairclip* and a Blue Lace Agate crystal. Continue reading to find out more about Nomad Treehouse and see how you can get 10% off with a unique code. 

Each detail of Corals packages screams the witchy/ boho vibe she has created for Nomad Treehouse. Nomad Treehouse started life earlier this year and each item is inspired by nature, right down to the packaging. Corals parents used to mine for crystals and make jewellery by trade so this is all Coral has known from a young age. She was inspired by her parents trade and wanted to make gorgeous pieces of art for people to enjoy. She is mainly inspired by the forest, the moon and the fantasy of running and hiding away. There are so many fine details to Corals pieces, she even included a little letter detailing what items she had included and listed that the piece of Blue Lace Agate* (which is known to be a wonderful healing stone that has a soft, cooling and calming energy that brings piece of mind to it's owner. It is believed to neutralise anger, reduce infection and inflammation and ease fever/ arthritis. It is also said to promote qualities of kindness, patience, wisdom and peace) is cleansed and ready to promote it's healing powers. 

I love the minimalistic feel to Nomad Treehouse's branding and the earthiness to the padding in the necklace box that looks like tree moss. The boho/ witchy vibe is clear all throughout the packaging and branding and it just has such a natural and simplistic feel to it. The Lunar Leaf Necklace* is utterly gorgeous and really is something I would truly wear time and time again. This is a custom piece made just for me and that makes me feel super special, she really looked into what I would like and checked with me on my preferences of metal so it would be exactly what I wanted. This and the Moon Pin* combined make me feel just like an extra from American Horror Story's third season The Coven. You can order yourself a custom piece through Corals etsy store at or contact her via email at and just contact her stating what pieces of hers you like and what you have in mind for your custom creation. 

If you head over to and enter 'LUCKYNOMAD' you can get 10% off of their current range and custom designs for the summer and you too can look like a boho witch. 

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*DISCLAIMER - I am the author of all content featured/ any content published on Content on this blog does not reflect the views or opinions of any other person, company or website. I am sent products or services from PR companies or brands to feature on the website in return for my review purposes. I am not obligated to review any product I am sent in a positive way and all views shared are 100% my own. PR samples will be disclosed and marked with * and any products not listed in this way have been purchased by myself or gifted to me from friends and family.

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