Everybody knows and loves Lush and quite a few people love it for it's ethics. I'm not someone who lives by cruelty free ethics myself but it's something that does interest me and I want to do more research into becoming more 'cruetly free' with my daily life. I've not bought anything from Lush in quite a while now, I was a bit of a Lush fanatic but my collection was getting out of hand and ex0pire dates were being reached before products were used. The main reason I popped in a few weeks ago was to pick up some Ultrabland cleanser as this is one of my HG products. I'm totally in love with the Emma Hardie Moringa Balm but whilst paying off my super expensive holiday to Mexico, I've had to cut back a bit on the expenses. My EHMB (Emma Hardie Moringa Balm) ran out and I had no other cleansers to hand so had to do something and remembered just how much I loved Ultrabland and how it's the closest thing so far I've found to be almost as good, if not slightly better than the EH balm, so I dashed along on my lunch break to pick some up and was reunited with my love. Whilst I was in the store, I couldn't help rummaging through the shelves and found another product I just had to get, the H'Suan Wen Hua Hair treatment, my hair's been a bit dry lately and needed some moisture and also, my skin looked a bit lack lustre so I picked up my ever faithful Catastrophe Cosmetic. And this is what led to this post. 

Ultrabland is a effective and gentle facial cleanser that is a soft, rich and oily cleansing cream that cares for all skin types. You use a generous (you don't actually need that much!) amount over your face and use this as a first cleanse! Rub the rich, oily cream all over your face (safe to use on eyes too by the way, no need for a separate product) and then remove using a hot cloth, flannel or you can also use cotton pads. Make-up is removed in a flash and your skin is left feeling super silky and fresh. 

If you have really bad skin or problem skin, Lush recommend to use this and nothing else for a whole month to see the benefits and it will help to bring your skin's balance back to normal. This cleanser is super effective and it's a product I just couldn't be without. You can purchase this in either a 45g tub for £7.50 or a 100g tub for around £11.95 which is double the product (and a bit more!) for less than double the price. Expiry on this one is around a year and 2 months!

Catastrophe Cosmetic has been one of my favourite products when my skin is having a bit of a problamatic time. It's aimed to help in times of need and will calm and cleanse your skin. Blueberries are rich in beneficial anti-oxidants and it also contains soothing camomile, irish moss and calamine which helps to save your skin in times of trouble. This is one of the fresh face masks Lush have which needs to be kept in the fridge as it is not self preserving and lasts roughly around a month so it does have to be used quickly but it's worth the dollar and the time. It costs £6.75 for 75g and I'd say to use around 1-2 times a week depending on your skin, you should get about 3-4 masks from this pot.

H'Suan Wen Hua is a new product to me and it's only the second hair treatment I've tried from Lush. Its packed full of ingredients to help put condition back into your hair and make it shiny and full of life. It's actually a product you need to apply Preshampoo and condtioning, onto dry hair?! You put a thick coating of this through dry hair and leave for around 20 mins to penetrate the hair shafts and for the conditioning ingredients to get to work. You then shampoo and condition your hair as usual and you are left with the most super soft and shiny hair for days. Lush recommend to use this once a week for six weeks if you have very damaged hair and the pot is 225g for £9.75. I've used this twice now and it's a product I MUST repurchase, The shiny soft hair stays for about 3-4 days but I wash my hair every two so if you only once your hair once a week, this could last the full week! I've got around 1/3 of the tub left but I have got quite thick hair due to the damage from bleaching so I will be getting some more once this has gone to try and complete a six week treatment. This product's expiry lasts around a year and three months so it's a long lasting product. 

 All three products get a thumbs up from me and Ultrabland and H'Suan Wen Hua will be repurchased time and time again. I only really need Catastrophe Cosmetic in times of troubled skin but I do reach for this when it is needed. 

What are some of your favourite cruelty free beauty products? What are your top picks from Lush?!

*DISCLAIMER - I am the author of all content featured/ any content published on Content on this blog does not reflect the views or opinions of any other person, company or website. I am sent products or services from PR companies or brands to feature on the website in return for my review purposes. I am not obligated to review any product I am sent in a positive way and all views shared are 100% my own. PR samples will be disclosed and marked with * and any products not listed in this way have been purchased by myself or gifted to me from friends and family.

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  1. I never used to be much of a Lush shopper but it's totally won me over lately. That face mask looks so amazing, I'd love to try it as a little treat to myself :) xx

    Sophie Elizabeth
