Now we all love Christmas. Not for just the gifts but for the time we get with our families, the amazing food that makes you feel all f...

Now we all love Christmas. Not for just the gifts but for the time we get with our families, the amazing food that makes you feel all full and warm, the cosy winter clothes, the twinkly fairy lights and the yummy hot chocolates. But those of us who are fortunate enough, do love the presents. I am defiantly more of a giver than a taker when it comes to Christmas presents. Sadly due to financial problems with waiting to start my new job, I won't be able to go as overboard this year as I usually like to but I still love the season. I'm like a giddy child on a sugar high when Christmas music is playing and I see all the decorations for sale in store. These are just presents I would DREAM of only receiving and I probably wont get many of them if any but it's nice to dream.

Holy make-up gods, this palette is the dream. I spotted this a few days before the release on the Space NK website and I instantly wanted this. I've been having a bit of a blush dilemma where everything just doesn't really seem right. I'm having a little love affair at the moment with my Fratboy Blush but I'd still kill for this .... seriously. 

We all love a classic shoe and what is more classic than the Converse? I was adorning these back when I was 14 and listening to way too much My Chemical Romance but in pink. These chic looking white low Converse would go with so many outfits. Dress down with some dark navy jeans and a -boyfriend fit white t-shirt and a long pretty necklace or dress up with a blazer and a sparkly top for that undone Christmas smart casual look. 

It's no secret to family and friends that I wish I NEVER swapped to an iPhone. Me and my iPhone just do not get along and I was probably one of the only people not queing up to get the iPhone 6. I'm not sure if mines just a little temperamental (glitches, switching off my app's. The list goes on ..) but I wish I could rewind time to when I dropped my Samsung S3 on a tiled bathroom floor and it died. RIP old friend. I am going to be taking my iPhone into Apple to be checked over but when my contract is up in October next year (yes that long ugh!) I will be going for a Samsung. I would beg at santa's knees if I could have this but I think this year it may be a miss. Until we meet again Samsung.

I really do love my original Naked 2 and Naked 3 palette's (much more 2 at the moment but shh ...) but they are hefty sized palette's to carry around when travelling between home, visiting mum's and touch up's in the car/ out and about. These would be very loved additions to my ever growing collections. 

During getting ready for a wedding I was shooting the other day, I really wanted to add a little something to my eye look and these were just what I needed. Sadly a trip to Superdrug, they were not stocked yet! Suffice to say I was a little gutted and had to buy a substitute which I actually love. But either way, I would love to try these beauty guru's lashes once and for all. 

I've been having a small foundation crisis at the moment. I'm not sure if it's just my skin freaking out due to the winter weather or if the foundations I used to love just don't seem to cut it anymore. Once visiting mum's I searched through my old room to find some bits and came across this. I'm never sure as to why I stopped loving this foundation but thought due to the crisis I was having why not give it a try again considering I already owned it and it had just been placed back in the drawer. Oh my god, why oh why did I let you go old faithful. This is really the perfect colour and finish for me. Praise the make-up gods. My only gripe is it doesn't seem to look quite polished on my forehead as it does with the rest of my face? Odd I know. I really need a new bottle soon as my old one is slowly running out. 

Now I really am in dreamland. Us girls, we all love handbag's right? and you can never quite find the perfect one. Well I'm after a medium sized black tote bag or messenger bag. Simple right? This Michael Kors one is to DIE for. Anything under the tree would be appreciated Santa. 

As well as being a make-up geek, I'm also a gamer geek. I love playing and watching the boyfriend play any of the latest games but if I'm 100% honest my favourite genre of game is a good old fashioned puzzle game. Broken Sword, Tomb Raider, Silent Hill .. all the old classics. Not long ago we played the Sherlock Holmes (can't remember the name!) on the Xbox 360 and that was very enjoyable but it wasn't quite right. We recently purchased the PS4 and I have to say, it was a brilliant purchase. I'd love the add this game to our arsenal and have a good old classic games night (or week)

And that's pretty much all I want (all .. pssh!) Like I said I'm probably living in dreamland but it's nice to know now and again what you really want if you're asked. What things are you lusting after this year? Let me know in the comments below! and thanks for reading!  

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  1. Some lovely picks! The nars palette looks so pretty x
    Emma | Emmys Blog

    1. As soon as I saw it I knew it had to be mine .. I just hope santa hears my prayers. Knowing my luck it'll have to be an indulgent gift from myself hah! x

  2. Gorgeous christmas list hun! Iv asked for the naked 3! Michael kors bags are gorgous mines lasted me years!

    http://jadenewton-taylor.blogspot.com xx

    1. Oh I do love the Naked 3, good choice! I don't think I'll be getting mine now this year sadly as i've had to sacrifice it for a possible mode of transport but alas one day she shall be mine.

