Now, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with a 'themed' Instagram feed or plain and simple blog layout but...

Now, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with a 'themed' Instagram feed or plain and simple blog layout but sometimes, it all feels a little too forced and same old?! Don't get me wrong, we all want to look professional and we all want to be easily readable but you can also have a little bit of personality chucked in there too. I touched base back on this a while ago with my standing out from the crowd post and explained that I don't think we should all fit this 'mould' and 'cliché' that seems to have been set by the social media majority. I prefer bloggers these days who are more, life like. I like a bit of colour and chaos, I like to see really what their lives are like as much as I can and get to know them. I know with social media we all only post the best bits of our lives that makes everything look exciting and makes us look like we are always on the go BUT, we have lives outside of this and that's what I like. So I have come up with 5 of my favourite more 'unique' bloggers who are not afraid to break the mould and don't always quite 'fit in' (I'm not saying they're chaotic and have no theme or order to things, just a little more out there) ... and I love them for it.

Estee Lalonde - Essie Button (pictured above)
Estee is one of my FAVOURITE all time bloggers and she is actually one of the main reasons I got into blogging. I love her approach to everything and how she mixes in some fashion and beauty but also lifestyle and food and fitness ... and pretty much everything. She does have structure to things but I like how it all seems a little more laid back and like we are seeing the real her that her family and friends get. Sometimes the same old can get a little boring but with Estee, I'm always on my toes. Her blog is a colourful spectrum of illustrations and quirky interiors and I love it. Me and my boyfriend regularly sit down and watch a few of Estee and Aslans (not forgetting Reggies) vlogs as they are thoroughly entertaining and it's nice to see another side to her life - not just the fabulous and glamorous 'get up and go' attitude to the beauty and fashion related side of her life. Check out her latest vlog below.

Olivia is only on Youtube and Instagram and doesn't have a blog (as far as I am aware) I love Olivia, she's a crazy chick who dyes her hair far too much (just like myself - opps?!) and just seems like a total free spirit. She definitely does not conform to the 'minimalistic' blogger but that's why I love her. Watching her videos always brings a smile to my face and gives me some sort of inspiration to let loose and just go with the flow of life. She's always a colourful character and reminds me a little of Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim. She has a much more laid back attitude to the vlogging side of things and you can tell she does it because she loves it. If you haven't heard of Olivia before - click the link above or visit her Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/olibombbb and check out her latest vlog below.


Sophie Elizabeth - Popcorn and Glitter
It's no secret that I have a huge fan girl moment everytime this lady comments on my blogs and she's been featured once or twice (maybe three times?) AND done a guestpost for lovefromlucky so it's safe to say she's one of my top unique bloggers. Sophie again, is another blogger who does this because she loves it. She does your usual fashion and beauty posts but she also reviews movies for any film buffs out there. I love Sophie's fashion sense too, it's so 'out there' yet it always looks uniform and perfect - she can pull just about anything off. Sophie gives me confidence to be the blogger I want to be and not to conform and for that, she is always one of my favourites. If you haven't already checked Sophie out, click the link above to go straight to Popcornandglitter.co.uk or check out her latest vlog below.

*DISCLAIMER - I am the author of all content featured/ any content published on www.lovefromlucky.com. Content on this blog does not reflect the views or opinions of any other person, company or website. I am sent products or services from PR companies or brands to feature on the website in return for my review purposes. I am not obligated to review any product I am sent in a positive way and all views shared are 100% my own. PR samples will be disclosed and marked with * and any products not listed in this way have been purchased by myself or gifted to me from friends and family.

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  1. This is so amazing, that's the nicest thing I've ever read about myself haha thank you so much for featuring me, I love your blog so much and this is such an honour! Now to check out these other lovely ladies! xx

    Sophie Elizabeth
