So whilst wandering and adventuring through our Welsh holiday, we bumped into several of the Wild horses/ ponies that roam ...

So whilst wandering and adventuring through our Welsh holiday, we bumped into several of the Wild horses/ ponies that roam the fields of Wales. I was a little confused as to the nature of these horses but as it turns out, they are placed in the fields to help maintain the plants and grass and look after the countryside until they are mature and then are used to break in for riding or used in competitions. Due to their semi wild antics of roaming the fields, it apparently makes them the perfect horses for riding. 

Some of the horses didn't bat an eyelid when you went near however some were a little more 'wild' than others and they just wanted to be left alone. They roam in herds and and help to control the plant situations in the Gower commons. They really are beautiful creatures and it's such a magical experience to drive through or even walk through the common and come across them. 

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