I've actually never spent more than around £40-£50 on a handbag before and was currently in love with the replica MK my mum kin...

I've actually never spent more than around £40-£50 on a handbag before and was currently in love with the replica MK my mum kindly picked me up from her trip to Greece. But my heart sank when the strap snapped away and it was no longer usable. I had enough and had a word with the boyfriend who admitted maybe it was time I invested in something a bit better quality than replica bags and Primark bags and told me to almost, splurge. I felt guilty looking at Mulberry's and MK bags and wanted something still great quality but not so pricey. I started searching around for Real Leather handbags and spotted this grunged up Satchel by Dr Marten with hardware detailing and as soon as I saw it, I was in love. 

This gorgeous Real Leather satchel will set you back £125.00 via the Dr Martens website at 13" but is also avaiable in a 9" for around  £90.00, but if satchels aren't your thing you can also get this style in a Suitcase handbag style for around £105.00 currently on offer here. I did debate the Handbag style but it did state online on a few reviews the bag was quite heavy before anything was put it in. It does however come with a leather strap instead of the chain detail on the Satchel but that's what made me fall in love with my bag. 

It reminded me of a Chanel bag but more grunge and well, more me. I knew as soon as I saw it I could make it work with so many outfits, casual, dressed up and even nights out. The bag is quite heavy I will admit, but it's not so ridiculous you couldn't carry it without moaning. I do sometimes worry about the amount I put in my bag and if the chain will support the weight but after almost 3 weeks I've had no issues so far and if anything, this bag is just growing better day by day. The leather is such high quality and the first day I got it, the smell was incredible (that's odd I know but shh!) I've had nothing but compliments since having this from all sorts of people with different fashion styles and think this could work for all sorts of people and walks of life. 

The bag is quite a thick leather itself and then the over flap bit (you know what I mean?) is just a thinner piece of leather but this really helps with the bag's structure and style. If it was any thicker on the top, I don't think it would work so well. The once annoyance is the fastening of the bag is just the little belt style notches. There are 3 on either side and I do worry that the older the bag gets, the less secure this will become? But on the main compartment inside the bag is a zip so it is more secure. I just keep my phone in the front section that isn't zipable for easy access. 

Overall I would say this bag is totally worth the price tag and if not, it should be higher priced due to the quality. The metal does scratch quite easy but this is expected and you do get a leather shoulder strap on the bag so no worry that the chain will dig in. Overall, I'm so in love and I'm even quite tempted to get the smaller style because it's just that versatile. Head to Dr Martens to check out their other styles of bags including backpacks and clutches which are to die for! 

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  1. I didn't even know Dr Martens sold handbags, as I'm used to only seeing their iconic boots everywhere. Love the bag, though. It's always worth splurging on a good quality item like this, as they will last you a good few years. :)

    Renata x
    UD Naked Palette or Anastasia Contour Kit GIVEAWAY
