Now I love being a blonde, it's got to be one of my favourite colours I've had so far but I do like to mix things up now and again and since being a blonde, never thought about pastels. I didn't realise how easy they were to do and get good results from but also, to wash out if it goes wrong. Since venturing into the pastel side of life, I usually stick to a purple hue as it seems to really suit my skin tone and I get tons of comments about how people love it. I've always been inspired by Kelly Osbourne's lilac locks and had to do it myself when I realised how easy it was. The first time I did my hair, it had quite a pink hue which I loved but it wasn't what I was originally after so I stopped using the Rose by Bleach London and continued with purples like Violet Skies by Bleach London and Lavender and Lilac from Directions. Since dying with the Lavender shade, again I've had a bit of a pinky hue until it washed out and kinda loved it. I experimented one day with Rose and Awkward Peach as these were the two shades I had left and got this GORGEOUS Pinky Orange tone which you can see in the profile photo I mainly used, and since this I've craved to have it back. Just my luck then when I've been searching for Rose I happened to find a bottle this weekend and this is what happened!

My washed out Lilac shade I premixed with Lavender and Lilac Directions, diluted with conditioner. My hair looks in awful condition here but it hadn't been washed for 2 days and was full of product!

My hair was in dyer need of dying as the lilac washes out quite quickly which you can see in the photos, any warm tones seem to disappear within one to two washes and I get left with this weird blue tone which If I liked, would be easily rocked but I've never been after blue. 

But YES, I had an urge this weekend just gone to try pink as I'm looking to possibly give up the pastel soon and go all light blonde all over again (I love the 'root' look but my natural roots are coming through which are a shade darker than my painted roots) and finally managed to get my hands on a bottle in Boots and with my boots points, bonus.

I washed my hair with my Boots cleansing shampoo and the Bleach London Washing Out Liquid to try and remove the darker blue tones in  my hair so I could achieve the warmth of the Rose. When I opened the bottle it was a little duskier than I thought so I mixed in the left over Awkward Peach I had from my Gritty in Pinks collection which you can also get from Boots if you just want to try these shades out before committing to the larger bottles, or in my case if none are in stock?! 

I let the dye develop for around 30-45 mins and just mooched around the house, doing some cleaning as I went. The bottles advise 15 minutes but I know most people who use these let them sit for longer. They are developed to be pastel shades so it's not like they can over process so I'd personally let them sit longer. Plus they are conditioning dyes so they'll also inject your hair with a bit of shine and moisture, added bonus. 

I've heard a lot of bad reviews about the Bleach London dyes and I personally am not sure why. I think a lot of people don't like how they wash out within 2-10 washes (the Violet skies is around 4-5 washes, I found the Rose and Awkward peach last time was around 2-3 washes but I do wash my hair weekly with a cleansing shampoo so maybe avoid this!) but I personally like that they do this and the fact they are premixed and you do NOT need to add conditioner. I like the convenience of just getting the dye out of the bottle and putting it on to towel dried, washed hair.  The dye is quite thick so sometimes it's not the easiest to get out of the bottle but the formula is great for ensuring your hair is covered. I'd advise to apply this like shampoo and then section the hair to ensure it's all covered and saturated in dye. I use just less than half a bottle to do my hair but dye to the condition of my hair from years of bleaching, although it's short it's quite thick plus I like to condition my hair well so I use more of the product. 

If after one-two uses you struggle to get the product out, I'd just advise to safely cut open the bottle and scrape out the remaining formula to get another use! I'd also suggest to use a tint bowl and brush to ensure even coverage and less mess too!

And here's the final result! As you can see it is still quite purple based, I did try to wash out most of the lilac but I think it left an undertone, either that or Rose is a lot more purple based than I realised. I was hoping with the addition of the Awkward Peach it may bump out the coolness but I think it came out quite nice. I'm not quite used to the pink yet but I think I'll get there. As you can see this won't colour darker hair/ roots but I like the look of a bit of root. What do you think?!

*Side note - This colour did last around 2 washes and washed out to a lovely pale dusky pink. I topped this up to keep the shade but, one night I styled my hair and then slept and when I woke up this next morning, my hair was pretty much blonde hair again with a tiny bit of a warmth tone. Almost like it had worn away during my sleep?! I love these dyes but if you're after something with more staying power, these aren't the dyes your really after. I quite like that they aren't the longest lasting as it means I can experiment quite easily and turn back to my blonde if I'm not sure but they aren't the best for people who constantly dye their hair pastel shades as you only get around 3-4 applications from one bottle and they only last around 2-3 washes on very bleached hair.

Bleach London's Bleach Bible (For advice on Bleaching your hair pre colouring)
Bleach London's FAQ Clinic ( For advice on dying your hair with Bleach London colours)
*DISCLAIMER - I am the author of all content featured/ any content published on Content on this blog does not reflect the views or opinions of any other person, company or website. I am sent products or services from PR companies or brands to feature on the website in return for my review purposes. I am not obligated to review any product I am sent in a positive way and all views shared are 100% my own. PR samples will be disclosed and marked with * and any products not listed in this way have been purchased by myself or gifted to me from friends and family.

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  1. Your hair looks amazing!! I really want to try out Bleach London! - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Awh thanks! I love how since I've posted this though I've gone back to blonde (Hairdye addict problems!)

      Chloe Mary Davis |
