Recently a host of celebrities such as Kylie Jenner, Perri Edwards and even Kate Moss have been experimenting with new hair trends such as the grey haired 'granny' trend and also pastel shades more recently such as blush blondes and apricot colours. Professional hair expert Scott Cornwall has introduced four new toner shades to cover this market into his 'Colour Restore' line which is essentially toners and pigments for hair, these shades include Chrome and Candy, and also Caramel and Black Cherry and retail for £11.99 each from I was re-contacted by Scott's PR team to work with them again and his hair line and I selected the Chrome Blonde Toner* and the Candy Blush Toner* to experiment with as lately I've loved rocking pastel trends. 

The Chrome Toner* is described as a pure, silver toner that is formulated to create unique, metallic blonde tones in light blonde, highlighted or platinum based hair, restore chrome hues in the hair when used as a regular conditioner and helps to achieve high silver effects in natural white or grey hair. Both toners are multiple use hair treatments that last up to 8 washes after use and can be used in two ways. They can be used as two minute toners to condition the hair, or as 20 minute treatments for a more vibrant, longer lasting result. They do not contain any peroxide, ammonia or PPD and the colour restore toners are kind and gentle on your hair and are super easy to use. They come in 100ml tubes that are intended for multiple use (depending on hair length or thickness) and retail for £11.99 each (boots have a 3 for 2 most times on hair products and these kinds of products are usually included on the offer!)

The 2nd toner I received to play around with was the Chrome Blonde Toner* which was described to give a silver/ chrome effect to the hair or to maintain already silver effected hair. My hair was a little warmer than usual due to the Candy Blush Toner* so thought this would be the perfect chance to see if we could bash out a little of the warmth with a counteracting product. First you have to wash your hair with shampoo and depending on your hair condition, you DO NOT use conditioner before these products. On the leaflet it says to only use conditioner before treatment if you are concerned about the product being sucked up by porous hair, I.E just bleached hair or severally damaged hair. I used the Precolour Clarifying Treatment* before putting on the product to try and get a more even result from the toner as my hair is severally bleached and can become a bit stretchy and porous when wet. The toner is a purpley/ metallic colour in the tube and I went ahead and put it on my towel dried washed hair. I used around half of the tube for my hair and this is only due to the fact that although I have short hair, I have quite a lot of hair. Not that it's thick but I've got a lot of thin hair and the bleached state of my hair means it sucks up more product. 

Around 2 minutes after application, the toner didn't really look like it had done a huge amount but I wanted to test out the 2 minute theory.  I think your hair has to be pretty neutral for this to work and the fact I used this one-two washes after using the Candy toner, I'm not sure if maybe my hair was too warm for it to fully show an effect. I like to personally mix my purple shampoo's with conditioners and I felt like essentially, this is what the product offered me but for a little more of an expensive price. Considering I also had to use around half of the tube for one application, I find this could get costly for an already bleached up silver haired lady/ to maintain already silver hair. My hair is very porous so essentially a purple shampoo will give me the effect I want but I would recommend this to newly bleach blondes who want a more soft acting toner or anyone trying to maintain cool tones in their hair. The product looks quite dark in colour in the photos but it's quite a sheer purple so would only tone very slightly, not as strong as say the Fudge Violet Shampoo I use to create a silver effect on my hair. 

I personally wouldn't repurchase this product due to the fact that I already have plenty of purple shampoo's that work for my hair that give me chrome/ grey/ silver tones in my hair but I did like the fact that Scott tried a more conditioning version of these.

*DISCLAIMER - I am the author of all content featured/ any content published on Content on this blog does not reflect the views or opinions of any other person, company or website. I am sent products or services from PR companies or brands to feature on the website in return for my review purposes. I am not obligated to review any product I am sent in a positive way and all views shared are 100% my own. PR samples will be disclosed and marked with * and any products not listed in this way have been purchased by myself or gifted to me from friends and family.

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