Every year, I find myself around the Christmas period having a good old clear out and organisation of everything to clear wa...

Every year, I find myself around the Christmas period having a good old clear out and organisation of everything to clear way for new things. Not necessarily presents but also for the January sales, and this is a great time of year to donate your unwanted (in good condition!) items to charity to help the less well off at this time of year. It's the month of giving after all! So with some spare time on my hands, I put all of my clothes, accessories, handbags, coats and jewellery in one MASSIVE pile and got to work. Having a clear out also helps clear my head and generally just feel better that everything I have left is going to be worn or used so, let's all get organising and here's so helpful tips to get you started!

Start by taking EVERYTHING out of your drawers/ cupboards and wardrobe and put them all into one space. If it helps you can organise into piles of clothing type such as trousers, tops and dresses and so on .. you get the jist. Now is the time where things can get tricky. I would start by picking up items, and asking a few questions to yourself about the item in particular. 

1. Does it actually fit? (Try on items if needed, this can really help if your body has changed shape since purchasing or you've gained/ lost some weight. Be honest with yourself!)

2. Will you wear it again? (Did you originally purchase the item for a special occasion or is it a multi use item? Again, relate back to fit if needed or a good way that think about it is C.P.W - Cost per wear)

3. Hang all the items you do answer yes to keeping in a neat and tidy fashion. Hang as many items as you can as the more you can see them, the more likely you are to wear them. 

4. Tidy anything else that can't be hung, Organise your shoes and handbags/ accessories in a pleasing way. The prettier something looks out on display the more likely I am personally to wear it. Think about how items are displayed in stores ...

There's various organisations you can donate to such as; (these are not personal choices, you can do a simple Google search to find out charities who can take your clothing donations or gift to a local charity shop/ clothes bank)

Banardo's - As one of the UK's leading children's charities, Barnardo's works directly with 240,000 children, young people and families every year. We runover 960 vital services across the UK, including counselling for children who have been abused, fostering and adoption services, vocational training and disability inclusion groups.

Oxfam - Your unwanted goods have the power to change lives. When you sign up to Tag Your Bag, your unwanted items are worth 25% more than you think thanks to Gift Aid.Oxfam works in over 90 countries around the world, transforming lives through emergency response, development and campaigning work. From donor to destination, read on to see how a tagged bag of donations can help people like Joseph (below) and his family in Haiti.

NSPCC - Take part in one of our recycling schemes and we can turn your old tech, cars and clothes into cash. Donating your unwanted goods has the power to do amazing things. It could answer a call to ChildLine, send a trained volunteer into a classroom to talk to children about abuse or provide much needed support to a family at one of our direct services.

And if your really struggiling with any of the above .. here's a handy chart for you to use! 

And that was a little post all about organising and donating! Does anyone else like to do this every Christmas to clear some space and also feel good about donating any unwanted or unused clothing? Has this inspired you to help out and go ahead and organise?

*DISCLAIMER - I am the author of all content featured/ any content published on Content on this blog does not reflect the views or opinions of any other person, company or website. I am sent products or services from PR companies or brands to feature on the website in return for my review purposes. I am not obligated to review any product I am sent in a positive way and all views shared are 100% my own. PR samples will be disclosed and marked with * and any products not listed in this way have been purchased by myself or gifted to me from friends and family.

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  1. Such helpful tips! I got rid of loads after summer, three huge draws! It's so therapeutic! I do love a good chuck out!
    Fix Me In Forty Five - A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
    Blog Lovin' // Instagram

  2. This is such a great idea and my closet definitely needs a huge clear out so your tips were really awesome! I definitely need to be realistic about what still works for my body and stop hoarding clothes and I feel like knowing I will give it to charity at the end will make it more easy to let go of. Great post! XO -Kim
