I mean it may be that we prepared and got our food shop yesterday before the weather started to get worse but I LOVE SNOW! #thebeastfro...

I mean it may be that we prepared and got our food shop yesterday before the weather started to get worse but I LOVE SNOW! #thebeastfromtheeast is definitely out in full force and I don't think I've seen snow like this since I was a wee child. Even then it was only for a day and it went the next day!

Here are some slightly arty photos for you to enjoy. Photos quickly captured on Canon 600D with 50MM F1.4 Lens.  I know there are some people really suffering in the UK from the effects the weather is causing and I'm sending my love out to all those who have had negative effects from the snow. I hope everyone gets to safely enjoy this lush white blanket and advise you all to stay warm and keep wrapped up! If you are going out in the snow, please be sure to layer up and don't stay out any longer than you need to - if you feel cold, go back inside. Help out those in need if you can and don't travel unless it's an emergency. All my love, Chloe.

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